Package charva.awt.event

Provides interfaces and classes for dealing with events fired by the CHARVA components.


Interface Summary
ActionListener The listener interface for receiving action events.
AdjustmentListener The listener interface for receiving adjustment events.
EventListener A tagging interface that all event listener interfaces must extend.
FocusListener The listener interface for receiving focus events.
ItemListener The listener interface for ItemEvents.
KeyListener The listener interface for receiving KeyEvents.
ScrollListener The listener interface for receiving ScrollEvents.
WindowListener The listener interface for receiving window events.

Class Summary
ActionEvent An event which indicates that a component-defined action (typically the pressing of a button) occurred.
AdjustmentEvent The adjustment event emitted by Adjustable objects (eg a scrollbar).
AWTEvent This is the base class for all the CHARVA user-interface events.
FocusEvent Correct manage of FocusEvents.
GarbageCollectionEvent An event which can be posted onto the event queue by an application to trigger garbage-collection.
InputEvent This is the superclass of KeyEvent and MouseEvent.
InvocationEvent An event which executes the run() method on a Runnable when dispatched by the AWT event dispatcher thread.
ItemEvent An event which indicates that an item was selected or deselected.
KeyAdapter An abstract class for receiving key events.
KeyEvent An event which indicates that a keystroke occurred in an object.
MouseEvent An event which encapsulates information about a mouse-click.
PaintEvent An event which is used to ensure that painting of components is serialized, i.e that it occurs in the main event-processing loop.
ScrollEvent A ScrollEvent is posted on the event queue by a scrollable object such as a Table, when its state changes in such a way that it may need to be scrolled (if it is contained within a ScrollPane).
SyncEvent A special event which is used for coalescing screen-refresh actions if possible, in order to speed up redrawing.
WindowAdapter An adapter for easy instantiation of the WindowListener interface
WindowEvent A low-level event which indicates that a Window has changed its status.

Package charva.awt.event Description

Provides interfaces and classes for dealing with events fired by the CHARVA components.