Interface Summary | |
Action | The Action interface provides a useful extension to the
interface in cases where the same functionality may be accessed by
several controls. |
ComboBoxModel | ComboBoxDataModel is a ListModel with a selected item. |
Icon | A small fixed size picture, typically used to decorate components. |
ListModel | This interface defines the methods by which components such as JList get the value of each cell in a list, and the length of the list. |
ListSelectionModel | |
MutableComboBoxModel | A mutable version of ComboBoxModel. |
SwingConstants | A collection of constants used for positioning components on the screen. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractAction | This class provides default implementations for the JFC Action
interface. |
AbstractButton | This forms the base class for components that exhibit button-like behavior. |
AbstractListModel | The abstract base class for classes that implement the ListModel interface. |
ActionMap | ActionMap provides mappings from
Object s
(called keys or Action names)
to Action s. |
BorderFactory | A factory class for creating standard instances of the Border class. |
Box | A convenience container that uses a BoxLayout object as its LayoutManager. |
BoxLayout | A concrete implementation of LayoutManager that lays out its components horizontally or vertically. |
ButtonGroup | This class is used to create a multiple-exclusion scope for a set of buttons. |
DefaultComboBoxModel | The default model for combo boxes. |
DefaultListModel | This class implements the Vector API. |
DefaultListSelectionModel | Default data model for list selections. |
JButton | An implementation of a "pushbutton" with a text label. |
JCheckBox | An implementation of a checkbox - an object that is always in one of two states (SELECTED or DESELECTED) and which displays its state to the user. |
JComboBox | The JComboBox component allows the user to select an item from a pop-up list of choices. |
JComponent | The base class for charva.swing components. |
JDialog | In the CHARVA package, the JDialog provides exactly the same functionality as the Dialog. |
JFileChooser | The JFileChooser class displays a dialog from which the user can choose a file. |
JFrame | In the CHARVA package, JFrame has identical functionality to Frame |
JLabel | A display area for a short text string. |
JList | A component that allows the user to select one or more objects from a list. |
JMenu | Implements a menu containing JMenuItems and JSeparators. |
JMenuBar | An implementation of a menubar. |
JMenuItem | An implementation of an item in a menu. |
JOptionPane | JOptionPane makes it easy to pop up a standard dialog box that prompts the user for information or displays some information. |
JPanel | JPanel is a generic lightweight container. |
JPasswordField | JPassword allows the editing of a single line of text; it indicates that something was typed, but does not display the characters that were typed. |
JPopupMenu | An implementation of a popup menu - a small window that pops up and displays a number of choices. |
JProgressBar | A component that displays an integer value within a bounded interval. |
JRadioButton | An implementation of a radiobutton - an item that is always in one of two states (SELECTED or DESELECTED) and which displays its state to the user. |
JScrollBar | An implementation of a scrollbar. |
JScrollPane | provides a scrollable view of a component. |
JSeparator | A horizontal separator in a menu. |
JTabbedPane | A component that lets the user display one of a set of components (usually Panels) at a time. |
JTable | JTable is a user-interface component that displays data in a two- dimensional table format. |
JTextArea | Support for public void setBounds( Rectangle bounds ) public void setBounds( int top_, int left_, int bottom_, int right_) public void setBounds(Point topleft_, Dimension size_) |
JTextField | Support for public void setBounds( Rectangle bounds ) public void setBounds( int top_, int left_, int bottom_, int right_) public void setBounds(Point topleft_, Dimension size_) |
JTree | (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) A component that displays hierarchical data. |
JViewport | The JViewport class provides a scrollable window onto an underlying component, whose size can be greater than the size of the JViewport. |
SwingUtilities | A collection of utility methods for Swing. |
Provides classes and interfaces that emulate the Java "Swing" user-interface widgets.