Package charvax.swing

Provides classes and interfaces that emulate the Java "Swing" user-interface widgets.


Interface Summary
Action The Action interface provides a useful extension to the ActionListener interface in cases where the same functionality may be accessed by several controls.
ComboBoxModel ComboBoxDataModel is a ListModel with a selected item.
Icon A small fixed size picture, typically used to decorate components.
ListModel This interface defines the methods by which components such as JList get the value of each cell in a list, and the length of the list.
MutableComboBoxModel A mutable version of ComboBoxModel.
SwingConstants A collection of constants used for positioning components on the screen.

Class Summary
AbstractAction This class provides default implementations for the JFC Action interface.
AbstractButton This forms the base class for components that exhibit button-like behavior.
AbstractListModel The abstract base class for classes that implement the ListModel interface.
ActionMap ActionMap provides mappings from Objects (called keys or Action names) to Actions.
BorderFactory A factory class for creating standard instances of the Border class.
Box A convenience container that uses a BoxLayout object as its LayoutManager.
BoxLayout A concrete implementation of LayoutManager that lays out its components horizontally or vertically.
ButtonGroup This class is used to create a multiple-exclusion scope for a set of buttons.
DefaultComboBoxModel The default model for combo boxes.
DefaultListModel This class implements the Vector API.
DefaultListSelectionModel Default data model for list selections.
JButton An implementation of a "pushbutton" with a text label.
JCheckBox An implementation of a checkbox - an object that is always in one of two states (SELECTED or DESELECTED) and which displays its state to the user.
JComboBox The JComboBox component allows the user to select an item from a pop-up list of choices.
JComponent The base class for charva.swing components.
JDialog In the CHARVA package, the JDialog provides exactly the same functionality as the Dialog.
JFileChooser The JFileChooser class displays a dialog from which the user can choose a file.
JFrame In the CHARVA package, JFrame has identical functionality to Frame
JLabel A display area for a short text string.
JList A component that allows the user to select one or more objects from a list.
JMenu Implements a menu containing JMenuItems and JSeparators.
JMenuBar An implementation of a menubar.
JMenuItem An implementation of an item in a menu.
JOptionPane JOptionPane makes it easy to pop up a standard dialog box that prompts the user for information or displays some information.
JPanel JPanel is a generic lightweight container.
JPasswordField JPassword allows the editing of a single line of text; it indicates that something was typed, but does not display the characters that were typed.
JPopupMenu An implementation of a popup menu - a small window that pops up and displays a number of choices.
JProgressBar A component that displays an integer value within a bounded interval.
JRadioButton An implementation of a radiobutton - an item that is always in one of two states (SELECTED or DESELECTED) and which displays its state to the user.
JScrollBar An implementation of a scrollbar.
JScrollPane provides a scrollable view of a component.
JSeparator A horizontal separator in a menu.
JTabbedPane A component that lets the user display one of a set of components (usually Panels) at a time.
JTable JTable is a user-interface component that displays data in a two- dimensional table format.
JTextArea Support for public void setBounds( Rectangle bounds ) public void setBounds( int top_, int left_, int bottom_, int right_) public void setBounds(Point topleft_, Dimension size_)
JTextField Support for public void setBounds( Rectangle bounds ) public void setBounds( int top_, int left_, int bottom_, int right_) public void setBounds(Point topleft_, Dimension size_)
JTree (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) A component that displays hierarchical data.
JViewport The JViewport class provides a scrollable window onto an underlying component, whose size can be greater than the size of the JViewport.
SwingUtilities A collection of utility methods for Swing.

Package charvax.swing Description

Provides classes and interfaces that emulate the Java "Swing" user-interface widgets.